22 years old




🇫🇷 Français


I oriented my studies in the field of biology starting from my 1st year of DUT, then in the bioinformatics field in my Master 1 degree. During this last training, I discovered structural bioinformatics and I decided to focus on this subject.

Today, I doing a thesis in structu­ra­le  bioinformatics! My subject is "Combining Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality".

  • 🇫🇷 French (native)
  • 🇪🇸 Spanish (scholar)
  • Programming
  • Documents, figures and pictures formatting
  • 2018: General competition of high schools and trades, biotechnologies
  • 2019: Third semester done at UQAC, in Quebec
  • 2022 : School workshop: presentation of Kaggle project and a poster on the M1 internship
  • Bioinformatic

    • Team working
    • Machine learning
    • Align sequences
    • Molecular dynamics simulations
    • Dock ligands
    • Object-oriented programming
  • Computer science

    • Use Visual Studio Code software as well as Microsoft or Libre office's pack software programs
    • Git
    • PDF through LaTex
    • Realize simple web page using HTML and CSS
    • C++, Python, R
    • Vectorial computation methods
    • Linux subsystem
  • Statistic

    • Analyse and present results in the appropriate format
    • Analyses with R
  • 2021 — 2023

    • Master degree in bioinformatic
    • Université Paris Cité in Paris (France)
  • 2020 — 2021

    • Bachelor degree in Life Science, major in Biochemistry and Cellular Biology
    • Institut Sciences et Techniques in Neuville-sur-Oise (France)
  • 2018 — 2020

    • DUT in Biological engineering, option biological and biochemical analyses
    • Institut Universitaire de Technologie in Pontoise (France)
  • 2018

    • Baccalaureate in Sciences and Technologies in Laboratory, in biotechnologies
    • Lycée Viollet-le-Duc in Villiers Saint Frédéric (France)
    • 2023, 3 years, fixed-term contracts

      • PhD student in bio-informatic / Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique
        DCME at Life Sciences Department / Université Paris Cité
        Paris (France)
      • Task done :
        • Development of Explainable Artificial Intelligence
        • Teaching in front of a student class
    • 2023, 6 months, internship

      • Trainee in bioinformatic / Team BIBIP, IMPMC, CNRS
        Paris (France)
      • Task done:
        • Working on Hydrophobic Cluster Analysis
        • Detection of distant homology based on structure
        • Natural Language Processing and word2vec
        • Doing python programs
        • Use plotly library
    • 2022, 3 months, internship

      • Trainee in structural bioinformatic / Team UMR_S U1134, INSERM
        Paris (France)
      • Task done:
        • Molecular dynamics simulation
        • Molecular docking
        • Programming parser in python
        • Data analyses with R
    • 2021, 2 months, internship

      • Trainee in web development / Team UMR_S U1136, INSERM
        Paris (France)
      • Task done:
        • HTML form
        • Data treatment with SQL
        • Server side processing with PHP
        • Work on the ergonomic of a website